Система ММЦ: Система межрегиональных маркетинговых центров
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О Системе ММЦ География Новости организации События СМИ о нас Контакты

Развитие международного сотрудничества

Поиск и подбор партнеров в регионах

Маркетинговые исследования

Продажа готовых обзоров
Деловые миссии в регионы
Реестр конкурентоспособных предриятий
Базы данных


Деловые предложения

Инвестиционные проекты


Реестр маркетинговых работ
Сервис портала

Визитные карточки

Создание сайта на нашем портале

Справочная информация
Сведения о регионах
В помощь маркетологу
Региональные маркетинговые центры в Системе ММЦ

Год основания: 2003
Руководитель: Горькая Ирина Викторовна
Штатных сотрудников: 3 человека
Интервьюерская база: 60 человек

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History of IMC Network

Year of 1997 The concept of the project “Interregional marketing centers network” was made. The first 14 centers were founded in Russia. At this period the population of the country was being adjusted to the definition “marketing” (links to different descriptions of marketing from gurus). We start to deal with marketing, presenting the IMC network as an organization, which will help to cooperate internationally. The network is small, but we are obsessed and talented.

Year of 1998 the time of the default. Businessmen don’t deal with marketing because of processes of bankrupt or capital provision. The size of business is becoming smaller. IMC network consists of 8 centers. Practice of providing of quarterly conference of directors and leading specialists regional centers in Moscow was introduced.

Year of 1999 It emerged, that the default is not so difficult. The Economic starts to grow slowly. We deal in rendering on information services and direct sales. The law book of IMC network member professional behavior was created.

Year of 2000 The word “Marketing” starts to be used by the majority directors of the companies. This fact attracts to us more attention. Distribution departments are substituted by marketing departments all over Russia. We start to use research technologies in direct sales. The number of regional marketing centers has grown and now the network consists of 29 centers. But not all businessmen acknowledge us.

Year of 2001 Several centers start to carry on marketing researches in an active way. An initiative group on design of the strategy of development of IMC network as research companies was formed. We argue a lot about the future prospects of activity. Russian market became glutted and the level of competition becomes increased. More and more companies think to start dealing in marketing area. At this time we have 37 regional centers.

Year of 2002 The great majority of regional centers agreed for researching way of development of the network, but not all members of the network were ready to develop in a research way. On this reason the amount of regional centers decreased up to 29 centers. At this period the number of orders on marketing researches becomes to increase sufficiently. From this moment regional centers become to grow qualitatively and the numbers of employees of members of Network start to increase. The conditions revealed the need of more qualitative project management. In May, 2002 within the conference the directors of regional centers of IMC network make decision to establish International Association “IMC network”. According to these changes the law book, principles of membership in International Association, were created. In order to manage the project the Board of Directors of International Association “IMC network” was elected and vested with authority.

Year of 2003 During this period the first whole system projects were made – the researches in more than 3 regions. The principle of IMC network organization gained recognition. We have the first clients among international companies and consulting firms. Each project we try to do with enthusiasm and execute much more than required. From this moment we decide to attract leading research companies on tender base. Network includes 37 regional centers.

Year of 2004 The network becomes to grow; new centers appear in Russian regions and abroad. The amount of interregional projects increases and the interest to the Network start to grow from the side of leading Russian and foreign research companies. Within our Network the first corporate standards on providing of researches appear. We have 64 regional centers.

Year of 2005 From this year we start to use system of qualified evaluation of members of IMC network. Also we introduce regular monitoring of the activity of Network (for analyzing of the structure of executable projects and planning of further development). Within these years the level of professionalism has gained significantly. We have more orders on researches of complete circle and complex analytic projects. By the increase of the market of marketing services, the competition between companies becomes to grow up. Not all regional centers can hold within this situation, that’s why the Network includes fewer centers, 49 ones. At the same time more and more Russian and foreign companies make resorts to enter IMC network and we start competitive selection of new members.

Year of 2006 We have new members entered in the Network, now it consists of 63 regional centers. By the results of annual monitoring of activity of Network we fixed the growth of executable projects in 2 and a half time. Moreover, we have more orders from government of the most Russian regions. Practically all regional centers of IMC Network become leaders of the sphere in their regions. By participating of regional centers in economic and social life, they raised the reputation as competitive actors of the market.

Year of 2007 It is an anniversary year for the IMC network, which now is all-Russian and international consortium of marketing centers. The members of IMC network, which have deep knowledge, large experience and effective marketing tools, become significant actors on regional markets on services of marketing. It turned possible thanks to the participation in sui generis union of professionals.


Департамент поддержки и развития малого предпринимательства
Российская ассоциация развития малого и среднего предпринимательства
Конкурсные торги
Национальное деловое партнерство «Альянс Медиа»
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