Система ММЦ: Система межрегиональных маркетинговых центров
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О Системе ММЦ География Новости организации События СМИ о нас Контакты

Развитие международного сотрудничества

Поиск и подбор партнеров в регионах

Маркетинговые исследования

Продажа готовых обзоров
Деловые миссии в регионы
Реестр конкурентоспособных предриятий
Базы данных


Деловые предложения

Инвестиционные проекты


Реестр маркетинговых работ
Сервис портала

Визитные карточки

Создание сайта на нашем портале

Справочная информация
Сведения о регионах
В помощь маркетологу
Региональные маркетинговые центры в Системе ММЦ

Год основания: 2005 год
Штатных сотрудников: 2 человека
Интервьюерская база: 20 человек

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Example of Negotiation tour

Organisation of Negotiation tour for one company

Customer: Service and Documentation Centre for Economic International Cooperation "Informest"

Participant: Italian company Oliver B Casa deals in manufacturing of varnished furniture made of natural wood in modern style.

Goal of the project: selection of potential partners among importerss, distributors and specialized stores that are interested in cooperation with Italian company.

Period of realization: 4 weeks

Outcome: IMC Moscow selected 4 Moscow companies and organised bilateral meetings with their representatives: LLC "Gudzon", Private business of Kandelaki, LLC "Tekhnoluks", LLC "Neapolis Casa". All meetings were provided by beforehand prepared schedule. In all 4 meetings concrete decisions about further negotiations were made.

Organization of Negotiation tour for 6 companies

Customer: Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce

Participants: producers of interior items, goods made of natural stone, exclusive finery and crockery from the province Ragusa (Italy).

Goal of the project: selection of potential partners for each of 6 companies.

Period of realization: 6 weeks

Outcome: more than 45 Russian companies had attracted interest in the participation in bilateral meetings with Italian companies. In total, representatives of 6 Italian companies had 28 meetings-negotiations, in 22 of them concrete decisions about further cooperation were made. From Russian side the following companies took place in the negotiations: "Atelie po kamnu", "Gefest", "Sharm", "Xtile" etc.

Organization of Negotiation tour for 9 companies

Customer: Service and Documentation Centre for Economic International Cooperattion "Informest"

Participants: producers of men and women wear, equipment for warehouses, packaging, spare parts for specialized machines, equipment for gas and oil and metal processing industries from region Piacenza (Italy).

Goal of the project: selection of partners for each of 9 companies

Period of realization: 7 weeks

The project was realized on the initiative of Confindustria Piacenza (Italy), by IMC "Moscow" from Russian side, and the Center of International Economic Cooperation "Informest" from Italian one. Within a month and a half, IMC "Moscow" carried out works on partners search and selection for each of 9 Italian companies.

As a result of preliminary negotiations with directors and senior specialists, more than 70 Russian companies had attracted interest in further meetings with Italian producers.

Outcome: in 2 days of Business mission 54 bilateral meetings-negotiations were held between Italian and Russian companies. In 38 meetings concrete decisions about further cooperation were made.

Among Russian companies that took part in negotiations there were such companies as:

  • OJSC "Mechel"
  • Ryazanskiy trubniy zavod
  • Metallsnabservis
  • Estar
  • Argos International
  • "Universal spetstekhnika"

Департамент поддержки и развития малого предпринимательства
Российская ассоциация развития малого и среднего предпринимательства
Конкурсные торги
Национальное деловое партнерство «Альянс Медиа»
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